Specialty Parts for the Traditional Ford Enthusiast

What is a Stromberg 97 Wish List?

Genuine Stromberg 97 carburetors and associated products are only available from Stromberg dealers. A wish list is another way to order. Simply go to the Stromberg website, click on the product that you want to order and then click on the “Go to Wishlist” button at the top of the page. You can now add products to your wishlist as you browse the Stromberg site. Click ‘Go to Wish list’ to edit your list. And when you’re ready to order, email to john@boyracer.com or go to Dealer Network, click on Contact/Order for Freeman’s Garage, and an email inquiry will pop up with your Wishlist included. Check it out!

Visit Stromberg - Browse the store - Create your Wishlist!

Visit the Stromberg website!